Sealed, The 144,000
What is the purpose of the 144,000 and what is their role in the end times?
The Two Beasts of Revelation
Who are the beasts in Revelation? Does the book of Revelation name them?
Rules of Revelation Part I
This is the first in a series of articles on the Book of Revelation
Thoughts on the Rich Young Ruler
Is this story just about wealth?
Murder of the 1st
Who was the first murderer and what weapon did he use?
The Wine and the Sponge
Trivial items are sometimes important indicators
The Precursor to the Great Tribulation
What is a precursor? It is something that precedes, suggests, or announces something to come. In a formal sense, a precursor is something that happened Continue Reading
Pilate asks, “What is Truth?”
What is truth?
The Temple and its Place
The Tabernacle and temples recorded in scripture provide us with a wealth of historical and symbolic information about man’s relationship with God. Most Christians have Continue Reading
Upon This Rock
Few portions of scripture have caused as great a division among believers as the verses recorded in Mathew 16:18-19. Doctrines have been created from them Continue Reading